Wednesday, May 11, 2011


So, aside from the wonderfully exhausting jog/walk through the park yesterday, I picked up a sunburn, even though I used SPF (50) sunscreen on my exposed skin. Oh, well. Now I can get on with the post-burn tanning over time. I thought my new running shirt was supposed to have some sun blocking properties, but apparently not so much. The burn is just enough to notice, but not uncomfortable. Today was a slack day, otherwise. More running, i.e. walk/jog/walk, tomorrow.

Marathon: And during the course of reading other peoples blogs, I was inspired to try and pursue a marathon, or maybe just a half marathon, in October. Someone mentioned a marathon in Long Beach on 2011-10-09. I was reading about a (20) week training plan for running a marathon (26.2 miles), which also includes a half-marathon (13.1 miles) in the middle of the plan.

More later.


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