Sunday, June 03, 2012

Sunday Long Run

Today's plan calls for a ten (10) mi. Long Run.

DC Bike Path: 1/2 Marathon Training, 10mi. Long Run. Dist: (10.50)mi. Pace-avg: (17:37). Speed-avg: (3.4)mph. Speed-max: (5.3)mph. HR-avg: (142)bpm. Burned: (1110) Calories.

Plan: Run (10)mi. @ an (18:38) pace for a total time of (3:06:25)hrs.
Actual: Run/walk (9.16)mi. @ a (17:38) avg. pace for a total time of (2:41:39.36)hrs. , bracketed by a (1.0)mi. warm-up walk, and a (0.35)mi. cool-down walk.
Fuel: Pre-run: Shot Bloks (Orange); Mid-run: Sport Beans (Grape); Post-run: (1x) glass Chocolate Milk, Spaghetti, Fruit Salad w/ plain Greek yogurt.

Pre-run weight: (204.6)lbs.
Post-run weight: (202.4)lbs.

Looks like someone started a fire in the park overnight.

One of the fire support trucks leaving the park.

Moon rise.
