Today's plan calls for an (8)K run from the HP Pavilion to Santana Row!
The 408K: Dist. (4.92)mi. Pace-avg: (14:10). Speed-avg: (4.2)mph. Speed-Max: (6.3)mph. Burned: (501) Calories. 2XU L/S shirt and Tights.
Plan: Run (8)K, or (4.97)mi.
Actual: Run ,
bracketed by a (1.0)mi. warm-up walk, and a (1.x)mi. cool-down walk.
Fuel: Pre-run: 1x cup coffee, 1x Honey Stinger Waffle (Honey);
Mid-run: (water); Post-run: late lunch.
Mile (1): (13:30);
Mile (2): (14:08);
Mile (3): (14:35):
Mile (4): (14:42);
Mile (0.92): (13:59).
I woke-up on time, more or less, but did not feel too well-rested. Mainly because I wasn't. Note to self: Avoid Spring Forward race days in the future, or at least don't forget the sleeping pill. I brushed my teeth, took my antacid, got dressed and had some of the complimentary Motel 6 coffee with a Honey Stinger waffle for breakfast. after that I walked down to the starting line, which was only (0.5)mi. away.
Walking to the Start. |
There's the starting line up ahead. |
Approaching the 2nd dip in the course on West Hedding Street. |
Coming off a switch-back in the course we headed west on West Hedding Street where we encountered the second dip in the course: an underpass that runs below Hwy. 880 and then leads us to Valley Faire Mall.
Mile 4 is in sight! |
I managed to get at least one photo of the people behind me while running backwards, and I didn't even trip.
She's gaining on me. |
The Mariachi Mile. No, seriously. |
The Finish Line!! |
So after all that I finally crossed the finish line in (1:09:40) hrs., which leaves my time of (1:08:29.0)hrs. in the Almond Blossom 8K as my 8K PR.
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