Today's plan calls for an Easy Run, a gym workout at my new add-on gym, PF, and then another Easy Run back home. However, today's temperatures made it that much more challenging: (90+) deg.F. when I left the house; (100+) deg.F. when I left the gym, but there was a (13)mph breeze to cool things down a tad.
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I wore this with longer shorts, minus the race bib and reflector vest. |
Ran/walked: (2.70)-mi. in (39:24.57)min. through the park and onto surface streets, where the blast-furnace heat of a Modesto summer coupled with the heat radiating off the black-top and side-walk added that much more lead to my stride, making it feel like I was dragging-ass the whole way there from the bridge to the gym.
Once at the gym, I took a few minutes to down more water and embrace the delicious A/C offered by the building. After a few minutes rest, I stowed my overloaded hydration belt in the locker-room, got my gloves on and spent thirteen (13) minutes on the LifeFitness Stationary Bike, where I "rode" (3.89)-mi. at a Heart Rate of (162)-bpm, and burned a mere (68) Calories. I had to make sure I got my heart-rate back up before engaging in my strength-training workout.
Strength Training:
Squat-Clean-Press: (4) sets: (10) reps. @ (15)-lbs.; (10) resp. @ (17.5)-lbs.; (10) reps. @ (20)-lbs.; (10) reps. @ (25)-lbs.
Hanging Leg Raise (Elbows): (3) sets: (20) reps., (15) reps., (10) reps.
Back Squat (Smith Machine): (5) sets: (10) reps. @ (45)-lbs.; (10) reps. @ (85)-lbs.; (10) reps. @ (95)-lbs.; (9) reps. @ (105)-lbs.; (5) reps. @ (115)-lbs. ( I think I could have eked out a couple more on my last set, but didn't want to risk it just yet.)
A link demonstrating the correct use of the Smith Machine can be found here. Today was the first time I had used one of these machines, and I am pretty sure my feet should have been forward a little more, so my knees didn't pass my toes. Oops.
After my strength training session (I was already starting to feel a bit queasy, so I knew it was time to stop for the day) I had my first tanning-bed session. I always intended to try out the tanning beds at my first gym, MCR, but I found out last week that the beds were taken out about six (6) months ago due to the high cost of repairs, and the new laws in California governing their use. At any rate, I purchased a pair of tanning-bed goggles (required to use the 'beds), and two (2) Orange Gatorades to replenish my fluids and ready myself for the trip back home. My first session was only five (5) minutes long, and that was likely more than enough. I will try to use the 'beds daily for the next week in (5) minute sessions before I try increasing the time.
Note: I made sure to mitigate my sun-exposure during my run to, and from, the gym by wearing my 2XU Compression Tights and Long-Sleeve Compression Shirt, under my Nike Dri-FIT(tm) short-sleeve running shirt and knee-length running shorts. The 2XU gear is rated at UPF (50+) by the manufacturer, and I believe the Nike gear is rated at about UPF (30+) by the manufacturer. I also used a pump spray-on sunscreen for my hands, face, scalp and neck rated at UPF (30+), plus a running hat and my usual running shades to top it all off.
Ran/walked: (2.70)-mi. in (43:12.55)min. after my gym session to get back home.
Plan: Run/walk to the gym, workout, run/walk back home.
Actual:Run/walk (2.70)-mi to the gym, workout/loiter/tanning-bed/loiter for almost (2)-hrs., run/walk (2.70)-mi. back home.
Fuel: Pre-run: Banana Chocolate Almond Milk (Unsweetened) Protein Shake; Mid-run: (at the gym): 2x Gatorade - Thirst Quencher - Orange Flavor 20 oz; Post-run: Chocolate Almond Milk Banana Protein Shake. More water.
Good News: Today's effort today did not cripple, or kill, me! :-)