Today's plan calls for an Easy Run.
DC Bike Path: Marathon Training, Long(-ish) Run. Dist: (6.36)mi. Pace-avg: (15:13)/mi. Speed-avg: (3.9)mph. Speed-max: (5.8)mph. Burned: (738) Calories. HR-avg: (141)bpm. HR-max: (168)bpm.
Plan: Run/walk for (40)min.
Actual: Warm-up run/walk (1.58)mi. to meet-up point, walk back to park w/ training group, run/walk (3.58)mi @ (14:23) pace, cool-down walk back home (1.19)mi.
Fuel: Pre-run: Oats & Honey Granola Bar, Bowl of Granola w/ raisins and non-fat milk; Mid-run: (water); Post-run: 1x banana, 1x peach, lunch later.
Splits: (Training Run/Walk): 13:47, 15:03, 14:07, 14:47.
Other News: Got hired for private security work, again. This time I'll be working at a hospital, so that will be very different, and very busy, and require a different skill-set. Also, we get paid weekly now, so that will be very nice: It's been twenty-six (26) months since I received a pay-check. :-)