Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday Chilly Run!

Today's plan calls for an Easy Run.

DC Bike Path: 1/2 Marathon Training, Easy Run. Dist: (5.0)mi. Pace-avg: (15:09). Speed-avg: (4.0)mph. Speed-max: (5.0)mph. Burned: (523) Calories. Headlight.

Plan: Run (3.0)mi. @ a (17:34) pace for a total of (52:42)min.
Actual: Run/walk (3.0)mi. @ an avg. (14:02) pace for a total time of (42:06.29)min., bracketed by a (1.0)mi. warm-up walk, and a (1.0)mi. cool-down walk.
Fuel: Pre-run: mixed fruit salad, Honey Stinger Honey w/ Cocoa & Vitamins (Chocolate); Mid-run: (water); Post-run:homemade chili w/ beans, cornbread.

Good run tonight. The weather is chilly, and it's windy and damp out from the rains overnight. There was no fog in the park tonight, also none last night. I had a good pace starting out with the run leg of my run tonight:

Splits: Mile (1): (13:33); Mile (2): (13:39); Mile (3): (14:59).

And I sustained it for a good while, but then crapped out a bit once mile (3) started.
 I'll work back up to it. Looking forward to Sunday's Long run. I haven't managed one of those in a while so no doubt I will be using the Galloway Run/Walk/Run method.

Other News: An acquaintance corrected me about where she lives: In Victoria, on Vancouver Island, NOT Victoria Island, which is next to the North Pole (or thereabouts). I really have no idea how I got those confused. Maybe it's all those "v's": Victoria, Vancouver Island. Whatever.

Like the song says, Here Comes the Rain Again!


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Runnin' in the Rain

Today's plan calls for a Tempo Run.
DC Bike Path: 1/2 Marathon Training, Tempo Run. Dist: (5.02)mi. Pace-avg: (15:01)/mi. Speed-avg: (4.0)mph. Speed-max: (5.4)mph. Burned: (575) Calories. Headlight.

Plan: Run (5.0)mi., with (3.0) mi. @ an avg. (15:47) pace, for a total time of (47:23)min.
Actual: Run/walk (3.0)mi. @ an avg. (13:57) pace for a total time of (41:51.19)min., bracketed by a (1.0)mi. warm-up walk, and a (1.02)mi. cool-down walk, for a total of (5.02)mi.
Fuel: Pre-run: Baloney sandwich, BBQ chips, fruit salad a couple hours before my run; Mid-run: (water); Post-run: Honey Stinger Honey w/ Cocoa & B Vitamins (Chocolate; great stuff!).

Had a nice little run this evening. It was only drizzling lightly when I left the house, but the rain started picking up once I was nearly done with my return leg of running. We can really use the rain.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

On the Run Again...

(Sung to the tune of "On the Road Again" by somebody who's name I forget... Oh, right! Willie Neslon.)

Today's plan calls for an Easy Run.

DC Bike Path: 1/2 Marathon Training, Easy Run. Dist: (5.18)mi. Pace-avg: (14:41)min./mi. Speed-avg: (4.1)mph. Speed-max: (5.6)mph. Burned: (620) Calories. Headlight.

Plan: Run (3.0)mi. @ a (17:47) pace for a total of (52:42)min.
Actual: Run/walk (3.0)mi. @ an avg. (13:26) pace for a total of (40:18.9)min., bracketed by a (1.0)mi. warm-up walk, and a (1.18)mi. cool-down walk.
Fuel: Pre-run: Fig Newtons, hot Lipton tea w/ Honey; Mid-run: (water); Post-run: something out of the fridge.

So I got out and ran tonight. Shockingly enough, it has been (12) days since I last went out running. I am flabbergasted. But frankly, I shouldn't be. I was mainly taking a break since my Aikido training injury (where my ribs landed on my elbow and caused some serious muscle ache that felt much-much worse). I wasn't sure how running was going to impact that injury, but it's been feeling much better since it first occurred. The X-rays show no broken bones in my ribs, so I guess I just need to workout around the injury spot and try not to aggravate it.

Outside Temp: Start: (38) deg.F.;  End:  (35) deg.F.

Other News: It is damn cold outside! OK, not really just yet, but it will be much later into the night.
