Friday, February 03, 2012

Friday Easy Run

Today's plan calls for an Easy Run.
DC Bike Path: 1/2 Marathon Training, Easy Run. Dist: (4.02)mi. Pace-avg: (14:56). Speed-avg: (4.0)mph. Speed-max: (5.2)mph. Burned: (435) Calories. 

Plan: Run (2.0)mi. @ an (18:02) pace for a total of (36:05)min.
Actual: Run (2.0)mi @ a (13:22) avg. pace for a total of (26:43)min., bracketed by a (1.0)mi. warm-up walk, and a (1.02)mi. cool-down walk.
Fuel: Pre-run: Scrambled eggs, turkey sausage, French toast, coffee; Mid-run: (water); Post-run:.

Good run today.  I started just before noon. The sun was out, the sky was clear, and there were plenty of other people in the park today. It was about (55) deg.F. outside, so I only needed my long sleeve half-zip running shirt and my Brooks running shell over that for core warmth. Time to stretch out and get showered.


Thursday, February 02, 2012

Thursday Temp Run

Today's plan calls for a Tempo Run.

DC Bike Path: 1/2 Marathon Training, Tempo Run. Dist: (4.02)mi. Pace-avg: (15:15). Speed-avg: (3.9)mph. Max-speed: (6.1)mph. Burned: (464) Calories.

Plan: Run (6.0)mi., including (4.0)mi. @ an (8:52) pace for a total of (35:31)min. [OK. That is way out of my current league. I will have to re-tune my SmartCoach workout plan.] bracketed by a (1.0)mi. warm-up and a (1.0)mi. cool-down.
Actual: Run/walk (2.0)mi., bracketed by a (1.0)mi. warm-up walk, and a (1.x)mi. cool-down walk.
Fuel: Pre-run: big breakfast: scrambled eggs, turkey sausage, French toast (3x), hot chocolate; Mid-run: (water); Post-run: more water.

Two (2) hours after breakfast I went out for a morning run. It was supposed to be a (4) mi. tempo run, but I had to cut it short due to an appointment to get my car window replaced. I have been sick with a sinus infection, and minor chest cold, for last week and a half, so I missed my first easy run for this new training cycle. I also didn't warm-up with squats like I normally do, so this was just a little messy overall. I was, however, damn glad to get back out and run in the park for a change. B-)

Also, it appears I need to re-tune my training plan, because Smart Coach thinks (incorrectly) I can actually run an (8:52) mile. I haven't done that since junior high school, so I will have to check what I did wrong when I set up this new training plan in SmartCoach. D'oh!

Other News: I finally signed up and committed to the Modesto Marathon for this year. I will be running the half-marathon only, since that is what I have been training for, and it is a necessary milestone (for me) before I try moving up to a full marathon.

I also joined the ShadowChase Running Club, but have not yet attended any of their training runs, or meetings. I plan to start doing that this month.
