Sunday, February 05, 2012

Super Bowl Sunday Long Run

Today's plan calls for a Long Run.
DC Bike Path: 1/2 Marathon Training, Long Run. Dist: (12.0)mi. Pace-avg: (15:39). Speed-avg: (3.8)mph. Speed-max: (5.7)mph. Burned: (1256) Calories.

Plan: Run (10.0)mi. @ an (18:02) pace for a total of (3:00:25)hrs.
Actual: Run/walk (10.0)mi. @ an avg. (15:23) pace, bracketed by a (1.0)mi. warm-up walk, and a (1.0)mi. cool-down walk.
Fuel: Pre-run: Shot Bloks (Mtn. Berry), Sport Beans (Berry); Mid-run: Sport Beans (Berry), Clif Shot Bloks (Mtn. Berry); Post-run: Dinner!

Tonight's run went well. I decided to strategize a little: Instead of trying to run as much as possible at one time I used the Galloway method and ran one (1) mile, then walked one (1) mile, repeat till complete. It worked very well for me tonight and I did not develop any pain in the ball of my left foot. That intermittent pain is one reason I made a point to run/walk my workout tonight, and how I plan to run the rest of my long runs till the half-marathon in March. By race day I hope to be able to run longer continuous stretches, between three (3) to five (5) miles, and walk for one (1) to two (2) miles in between each leg.

I am a little worried that the pain in my left foot may end up being a limiting factor in future running pursuits. I hope I can build up my feet over time where this no longer occurs, but we'll just have to see how it goes. So far, the longest continuous stretch I have been able to run during my training was seven (7) miles before the pain became to uncomfortable; that was back around November, I believe.

Other News: Voomaxer seems kinda' broken, though there is/was mention of a software update/upgrade. I tried sending an email to the contact person, and the email delivery has failed after trying for three (3) days. I need to find a way to export my data so I can use a different application for keeping track of these things.

I have been using Garmin Training Center on my desktop, but haven't tried out Training Peaks. One reason I stayed with Voomaxer for so long was the option to keep track of equipment mileage, sleep data and weight data.


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