Saturday, August 17, 2013

RACE REPORT: 5th Annual VIPS 5K/10K Run/walk

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Today I finished my third 10K!  I ran in the 5th Annual VIPS Keep Moving Forward 5K/10K Run and Walk.

Riverbank: 5th Annual Keep Moving Forward (VIPS) 10K. Dist: (6.24)-mi. Time: (1:20:09.42)hrs. Pace-avg: (12:50)/mi. Speed-avg: (4.7)mph. Speed-max: (7.2)mph. Burned: (801) Calories. HR-avg: (164)bpm.

I improved my time from last year by (12) minutes! I started using the Galloway Run-Walk-Run method of running when I was training with the Modesto Marathon Adult Training Group in 2012. One of the benefits, according to Jeff Galloway, to using his method for long distance endurance runs includes faster overall times compared to just straight running. This seems to be working for me. During some of my run phases during the event I checked my Garmin watch and saw pace times between 8:30 and 10:45 per mile, with 14:00 to 16:35 per mile for some of my walking phases. Averaging these all together over time cut my overall time noticeably.

My race shirt from the 408K Run to the Row from 2012. Light and airy, just right for this morning's race.

I observed some split-paces in my post-run data, too:

Mile 1: 11:44
Mile 2: 13:06
Mile 3: 13:04
Mile 4: 12:55
Mile 5: 13:15
Mile 6: 13:17
Mile 0.2: 11:30

The race t-shirt, part of the swag.

And comparing my stats from all three (3) years:

2011: (1:32:55)-hrs., 14:50/mi. pace, 19th in A.G. (Male, 40-49), 97th O.A. (99 runners)
2012: (1:32:22)-hrs., 14:46/mi. pace, 6th in A.G. (Male, 40-49), 55th O.A. (66 runners)
2013: (1:20:09)-hrs., 12:50/mi. pace, 15th in A.G. (Male, 40-49), 68th O.A. (85 runners)

Raffle prize. Woo-HOO!!

Here is a link to my blog entry for the 2011 VIPS 10K. As you can see, I completely neglected to blog about the 2012 race. However, for most of 2012 after the Modesto Half-Marathon, I stopped running. I ended up taking a longer break than intended, and thinking back I suppose that was more because I did not have any goals to train towards at that time. I did take up CrossFit Training with a personal trainer for most of that summer, and I did blog quite a bit about that. In fact, that CrossFit training, and some of the running I did as part of that training, was really the only thing that helped me perform as well as I did for the 2012 VIPS 10K: Lots of aerobic and anaerobic conditioning is part of the CrossFit package.

2013 Race Count: (1) completed.

My training plan continues. Onward and upward to the 2013 2nd Annual Peace Officer Memorial Run Half-Marathon, 5K and Kids Fun Run (Race Expo and Safety Fair)!


Thursday, August 01, 2013

A Quick Update

2013-08-01, Thursday

Time for a quick update before work. I registered for the 5th Annual VIPS Keep Moving Forward 5K/10K in Riverbank, CA. And I registered for the 2nd Annual Peace Officer Memorial Foot Pursuit Half-Marathon, 5K and 1-Mile Fun Run in Modesto, CA. I missed out on that one last year due to funding issues. Now I am in training for it in earnest, and am back on track with my training schedule.

Last night after work I completed a night-time (6.00)-mile run. It was supposed to be a (4.00)-mile Tempo Run with a one (1) mile warm-up and cool-down, but I ran it all together as a six (6) mile Galloway run-walk-run.

DC Bike Path: Marathon Training, Temp Run. Dist: (6.00)-mi. Time: (1:29:29.22)hrs. Pace-avg: (14:55)/mi. Speed-avg: (4.0)mph. Speed-max: (6.6)mph. Burned: (710) Calories. HR-avg: (150)bpm.

And this afternoon I ran a (2.00)-mile Easy Run that is actually on my calendar for today.

DC Bike Path: Marathon Training, Easy Run. Dist: (2.00)-mi. Time: (26:09.65)min. Pace-avg: (13:05)/mi. Speed-avg: (4.6)mph. Speed-max: (6.8)mph. Burned: (248) Calories. HR-avg: (155)bpm.

The tempo run was actually on my training calendar for Wednesday, but I did not manage it before work. At any rate I feel much better today than I did yesterday, so I'm actually not dreading work.  :-)

I'll tidy this up, and add some more later tonight.

Happy Swiss Independence Day!!


Friday, June 07, 2013

American Graffiti Night - Afternoon Run and Gym Workout!

2013-06-07, Friday

Today's plan calls for an Easy  Run, a gym workout at my new add-on gym, PF, and then another Easy Run back home. However, today's temperatures made it that much more challenging: (90+) deg.F. when I left the house; (100+) deg.F. when I left the gym, but there was a (13)mph breeze to cool things down a tad.
I wore this with longer shorts, minus the race bib and reflector vest.

Ran/walked: (2.70)-mi. in (39:24.57)min. through the park and onto surface streets, where the blast-furnace heat of a Modesto summer coupled with the heat radiating off the black-top and side-walk added that much more lead to my stride, making it feel like I was dragging-ass the whole way there from the bridge to the gym.

Once at the gym, I took a few minutes to down more water and embrace the delicious A/C offered by the building. After a few minutes rest, I stowed my overloaded hydration belt in the locker-room, got my gloves on and spent thirteen (13) minutes on the LifeFitness Stationary Bike, where I "rode" (3.89)-mi. at a Heart Rate of (162)-bpm, and burned a mere (68) Calories. I had to make sure I got my heart-rate back up before engaging in my strength-training workout.

Strength Training:
Squat-Clean-Press: (4) sets: (10) reps. @ (15)-lbs.; (10) resp. @ (17.5)-lbs.; (10) reps. @ (20)-lbs.; (10) reps. @ (25)-lbs.
Hanging Leg Raise (Elbows): (3) sets: (20) reps., (15) reps., (10) reps.
Back Squat (Smith Machine): (5) sets: (10) reps. @ (45)-lbs.; (10) reps. @ (85)-lbs.; (10) reps. @ (95)-lbs.; (9) reps. @ (105)-lbs.; (5) reps. @ (115)-lbs. ( I think I could have eked out a couple more on my last set, but didn't want to risk it just yet.)
A link demonstrating the correct use of the Smith Machine can be found here. Today was the first time I had used one of these machines, and I am pretty sure my feet should have been forward a little more, so my knees didn't pass my toes. Oops.

After my strength training session (I was already starting to feel a bit queasy, so I knew it was time to stop for the day) I had my first tanning-bed session.  I always intended to try out the tanning beds at my first gym, MCR, but I found out last week that the beds were taken out about six (6) months ago due to the high cost of repairs, and the new laws in California governing their use. At any rate, I purchased a pair of tanning-bed goggles (required to use the 'beds), and two (2) Orange Gatorades to replenish my fluids and ready myself for the trip back home. My first session was only five (5) minutes long, and that was likely more than enough. I will try to use the 'beds daily for the next week in (5) minute sessions before I try increasing the time.
Note: I made sure to mitigate my sun-exposure during my run to, and from, the gym by wearing my 2XU Compression Tights and Long-Sleeve Compression Shirt, under my Nike Dri-FIT(tm) short-sleeve running shirt and knee-length running shorts. The 2XU gear is rated at UPF (50+) by the manufacturer, and I believe the Nike gear is rated at about UPF (30+) by the manufacturer. I also used a pump spray-on sunscreen for my hands, face, scalp and neck rated at UPF (30+), plus a running hat and my usual running shades to top it all off.

Ran/walked: (2.70)-mi. in (43:12.55)min. after my gym session to get back home.

Plan: Run/walk to the gym, workout, run/walk back home.
Actual:Run/walk (2.70)-mi to the gym, workout/loiter/tanning-bed/loiter for almost (2)-hrs., run/walk (2.70)-mi. back home.
Fuel: Pre-run: Banana Chocolate Almond Milk (Unsweetened) Protein Shake; Mid-run: (at the gym): 2x Gatorade - Thirst Quencher - Orange Flavor 20 oz; Post-run: Chocolate Almond Milk Banana Protein Shake. More water.

Good News: Today's effort today did not cripple, or kill, me!  :-)


Monday, June 03, 2013

Another Monday Night at the Gym

2013-06-03, Monday

Today's plan calls for a Self-Defense/Combatives session, followed by a solo workout.

Self-Defense: Tonight we practised more drills: block, deflect, trap, counter-punch; repeat.

After class I got in a much needed weight training session for (70) mins.:

Solo Workout:
Inverted Pull-up: (10) reps. @ BW front-grip, and (10) reps. reverse (curl) grip.
Front Squat: (10) reps. @ BW with wooden dowel; (10) reps. @ (45) lbs. straight-bar; (10) reps. @ (65) lbs.
Overhead Squat: (10) reps. @ BW with wooden dowel. (Still having trouble co-ordinating this movement correctly; too wobbly.)
Back Squat: (10) reps @ (45) lb. straight-bar; (10) reps. @ (65) lbs.; (10) reps. @ (85) lbs.; (3) reps. @ (105) lbs.
Farmer's Carry: 2x (45) lb. weight plate, (1) in each hand, for (206) steps.
Push-Ups (Knees): (10) reps.
Upright Barbell Row: (10) reps. @ (45) lbs.; (9) reps. @ (65) lbs.
Hanging Leg Raise (Elbows): (3) sets @ (10) reps. each.
Bench Press: (20) reps. @ (45) lbs. wide grip; (15) reps. @ (45) lbs. wider than shoulder width grip; (10) reps. @ (45) lbs. shoulder width grip.

The purpose of my workouts for the next two (2) weeks is to prepare for starting a dedicated training program that I found in two (2) issues of Muscle & Fitness from 2012. There are three (3) that I am looking at, and trying to decide which one I want to commit to for a minimum of two (2) months.

Other News:

I finally got to participate in a helicopter landing and take-off at the office. It was pretty cool. The flight crew even gave us souvenir pins from the company.


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Monday Night at the Gym

2013-05-13, Monday,

Today's plan is to attend the Monday night Self-Defense class at my gym. Done!

Tonight we worked on stick-fighting practice. It was very cool, almost as cool as you see in the movies. I was a slow starter and keeping my co-ordination going with two (2) sticks was a challenge, but by the end of the session I was really getting the hang of it, and flowing pretty well. It looked a lot like this video from YouTube:

Our coach also showed us the same empty-hand application demonstrated in the video. However, in a high-speed street fight the empty-hand technique may not be as useful as some of the methods we've already learned, including The Fence, and exploding through your opponent from there.

After my Self-Defense workout, I went to the Fit-in-(30) Circuit Training room. I started out with (100) Rope Jumps (non-continuous) as a warm-up, then worked through three (3) laps of the circuit room in (38)-min. I wanted to get in a solo CrossFit workout, too, but was feeling much too winded by the circuit room.

Done with my workout, I went grocery shopping, then home to make dinner: Refried bean burritos with (4) Cheese Mexican blend, jalapeños, Tapatío hot sauce and red taco sauce on flour tortillas. The side dish was Spanish Rice (instant) by Knorr; very good. And the rest of the Barefoot Wines Red Zinfandel; tasty.

Now, it's way past my bed-time.

Other News:
I'm still working security at the hospital and now have a "fixed" schedule, but that schedule keeps changing for different reasons. *sigh* At least I still have a job. AND I have those medical benefits I was aching to get at discounted prices, so now I can put more money to other bills, and even start restocking my savings account. *whew*

I have been running again, but only intermittently before, or after, work, and usually only for (2)-miles at a time. I really need to get signed up for another half-marathon, full-marathon, or both, so I can push myself back into a regular training schedule. I just seem to be less motivated when I don't have a fixed goal to work toward.

Speaking of marathons, I registered (and paid) for the Surgical Artistry Modesto Marathon, Half and 5K 2013, and training was going well till I started my new full-time job back in October 2012. Since then my running has been only intermittent, I never spent time at the gym, and was even missing my Monday night Self-Defense classes. Well, at the somewhat last minute my brother got engaged and he and his bride chose the March 24th, 2012, race date for their wedding, thus hijacking me from the marathon.

Frankly, I hadn't kept up with my running so there was little chance I could run even the half-marathon at that point, although the 5K would have been total cake. :-)  My brother chose the date because it was the wedding anniversary date of our mother's late parents. I can see the sentimental value in that, and it was his first wedding, so I had to be his best man. And he did promise to pay for my next marathon event... [I understand I sound like a jerk for griping about it, but it was a goal I had been trying to work toward ever-since I finished the 2012 SAMM Half-Marathon.]

Anyway, here's to a bright and happy future for my brother J.-, his wife and soon-to-be-born son.



Friday, February 01, 2013

A Good Day to Run!

2013-02-01, Friday

Today's plan calls for an Easy Run. Actually, it probably calls for a rest day. And since I have not run since January 3rd, 2013, my one and only run of the year until today, I needed to go easy in any event.

Friday night easy run. *aaahh*

Plan: Run.
Actual: Run/walk (4.05)mi., with a cool-down walk during the last half-mile.
Fuel: Pre-run: Gatorade and water; Mid-run: n/a; Post-run: Dinner!!

Splits: (12:39); (13:10); (16:06); (14:04); last (0.05)mi.: (16:27).  

Other News: It's been over (90) days since I started working at my new job, and I still have a job! :-)  Thirty more days and I can get the health-coverage I want from our client at "friend prices," rather than the Cal-COBRA arm-and-a-leg, and your left testicle (just to be sure we have your attention) rates that I have been paying the last two (2) years. *ouch*

The client has been getting a lot of positive feed-back about the security presence at the facilities we cover locally, and the client's Security Director has been very pleased with us all-around. For perspective, this has been a rarity in the extreme in my past experience working commercial private security. Healthcare security is a bit different, and a lot more interactive than I expected. I seem to be adapting successfully, so far.
